Star Trek: The Libertarian Edition

It’s Star Trek’s Fiftieth Anniversary! To celebrate half a century of terrific science fiction I teamed up with the good folks at Reason to make “Star Trek: The Libertarian Edition.” It turns out when Reason wants a funny person with boundless depths of sci-fi knowledge, I’m on the shortlist. In fact my pervasive knowledge of Star Trek is a little unnerving. When writing the scripts with Austin and Meredith Bragg, it became apparent that I don’t recall things like my blood type or where I left my keys, but I do remember the class of ship for every single Enterprise.

Last week I went to a show at Gotham Comedy Club hosted by William Shatner, and am happy to report that the hammy eighty-five year-old looks great. I still have a shot of meeting that guy. Before the show my friend (who wrote most of his jokes) asked for my help on combining Star Trek with old age jokes, and I came up with a gag about Florida that Shatner ended up using. Thus assuring my eventual passage to Nerd Valhalla.